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W.E.L.K.S. 2011 Critique

I enjoyed my day judging at this well run Show, and would like to thank the committee for inviting me to join them on their 80th anniversary. I had a quality entry of hounds, which made my job quite difficult, with many hounds losing out today, when on another occasion, honours could have been theirs. The thing I noticed most, was the feet of the hounds, many large and flat, and not the tightly knuckled feet you would expect, a few rather upright in pastern, and even the odd one verging on 'knuckling over' something I believe the breed should watch out for. Feet are very important in any breed and especially so in a running hound.

(5,1) 1 Taylors Kilbourne Woodsman to Ormanstar.  9 month old  well balanced puppy, pleasing head , with dark eyes and well placed ears.good shoulders and both topline and underline very good in one so young, moved round the ring with ease. BP 2 Lewis's Wickwar Wilson to Luckhurst. Tall male 10 months old, lighter colouring, dark eyes and neat ears, serious expression. Strong neck into well made body, moved soundly showing both drive and reach. 3  Barter & Christians Ehlaradawn.

JD (6,1) 1  Peach's Ellnkayvee Boycee at Kilbourne Very dark young male of medium size, beautiful overall shape, masculine head dark eyes, though would prefer smaller ears.( he could well 'grow into them') Strong neck into good shoulder placement, straight legs with good flat bone well knuckled feet.correct topline held on movement,  correct tail placement & carriage of tail. 2 Bond's Pyefleet Silas. Larger pale dog, Good strong neck into shoulder, deep brisket with ribs well back,  plenty of good flat bone, rather upright in pasterns. Nicely knuckled feet. Correct topline and fall away, good underline.moved well with drive. 3 Stuart & Holts Regalflight Tomahawk at Ollandsheart

PGD  (4,1) 1  Owen & Brodies Wolfscastle Draig Tall mature looking dog covering a lot of ground, masculine head, dark eyes and neat folded ears, long strong neck into good shoulder, deep body with ribs carried well back, good overall shape, good length from hip to hock, correct flat bone and neat tightly knuckled feet.moved effortlessly around ring. Could certainly do the job for which he was bred. RCC 2 Meers Kilborne Harvey at Lordswell.Smaller nicely balanced pale grey dog, masculine head, dark eye correct placement of ears, typical faraway Deerhound expression. Not the body of 1st  but a nicely balanced animal, with good angulation moved well in profile, a tad close behind. 3 Spence & Heathcotes  Hyndsight Riddick

(9,1) 1  Hawkins  Kwaricott Asclepius. Moderate sized pale grey 4 year old hound. Masculine head with dark eyes and well set ears, strong longish neck into good shoulder, strong legs with correct flat bone ending in tightly knuckled feet. Good topline and underline with correct fallaway, and tailset. Good second thigh. Moved with a long ground covering stride, demonstrating reach and drive. Coat of both correct length and texture. CC 2  Barret's Stranwith Symphony. Mature well balanced dog, of moderate size, lovely head with hazel eyes, beautiful ears small folded and well set. Strong neck into correct shoulder placement, deep brisket with ribs carried well back. Good topline,  tail set, and wide quarters.Coat of correct length and texture. Moved well. 3 Morgans Hyndsight Meteor

(6,1) 1 Rhodes & Mortons Ch Gentom Peacemaker.  Mature dog, of good size nice head and expression, dark eyes and well placed ears. Strong neck and body, good straight bone, feet appearing rather flat today, correct angles fore and aft. Carrying a little extra weight than usual I felt, and though he moved well in this class, in the challenge he lost out to dogs that moved with greater enthusiasm. 2  Helps Ch GreyfriarsGillie of Beardswood. Well balanced  4 year old dog, masculine head with good ears and eyes strong neck leading to correct shoulder placement, one of onlya few showing a fore-chest, good bone strong legs and good feet, nicely arched loin leading to well muscled quarters, coat of the correct coarse texture.moved well, though I felt he looked a little tired on the day. 3  Hirds Cloweswood Fagus.

PB (8,3) 1  Mansell & Duddells Canerike Coco Clarissa  9 month old very pretty puppy, with dark eyes, aquiline nose, and very serious expression. Good neck and shoulders, adequate bone, feet a little on the large size at the moment but she is young and growing. Beautiful outline, good spring of ribs which are carried well back, correct rise over loin good length from hip to hock with good bend at stifle.moved well with enthusiasm, showing in profile, drive and reach. 2  Barter & Christian's  Ehlaradawn Lady Fantasy. Long legged puppy with pretty head, lovely expression neat ears and darkish eye. Long neck into good shoulder, good overall outline, not as mature as 1st needs time. Moved well. 3 Keens Ehlaradawn Reflections

(10,4) 1 Spences Hyndsight Ripley into Shagiead  Good sized youngster, with pretty head though ears could be smaller, dark eyes and aquline nose. Strong neck into correct shoulder placement, good straight flat bone into nice feet. Well sprung ribs carried well back, correct rise over loin, which fell away over broad quarters. Good bend of stifle. Moved well around the ring with a long easy stride. 2 O'Brien & Quinns Hoddingrey Terrona. Pretty head with dark eye and neat well placed ears, strong neck leading to a pleasing outline all round, good bone with nice feet. Moved freely striding out well. 3 McGills Cotherstone Take Silk

(14,3) 1  Baileys Greyflax Crystal. Very pretty bitch, dark eyes and faraway expression small ears, long strong neck, good shoulder, strong flat bone neat feet.Deep brisket with well sprung ribs Nice rise over loin, broad quarters with correct fall away giving correct tail set. Coat harsh and of correct length. Moved with drive and reach, straight coming and going. 2  Taylors Kilbourne Baccarat to Ormanstar. Another quality bitch, slightly smaller & well balanced with similar qualities to 1st Could easily change places, just preferred the maturity of 1 today 3 Lewis Wolfscastle Erlid to Luckhurst.

(10,1) 1 Platts Charbonnel Fliss. Very pretty bitch, with dark eyes correct ear placement and the most appealing expression.strong neck with obvious nape, good shoulder and bone, front  feet let her down appearing rather flat. Deep brisket with good spring of ribs which are carried well back, both top and underline correct. Moved lightly using just enough energy to accompany handler. 2  Reynolds Wickwar White Lace. Almost a veteran but only her grey muzzle tells you this. Pleasing head with dark eyes and patient expression. Correct neck length, into good shoulder formation, good bone, deep brisket with nice spring of rib. Both topline & underline correct. Moved very freely round the ring showing good reach and drive. 3  Francis Blatchford & Hirds Cloweswood Scilla

  (7,1) 1 Finnett & Heathcotes Hyndsight Who's that Girl.A good sized bitch standing over a lot of ground, feminine head, ears slghtly on the large size but nicely folded, has a typical deerhound expression. Strong neck leading to good shoulders and a good front with a fore-chest. Deep brisket with adequate tuck, lovely topline with slight  rise over loin and  broad quarters, good legs with great length from hip to hock  and nice bend of stifle.moved well, demonstrating great drive and reach.  CC ( happy to learn this gave her her title) 2  Baileys Greyflax Milly Molly Mandy. Elegant bitch with pretty head, dark eyes and expressive face. Good strong neck showing nape,leading into a good shoulder, deep brisket with well sprung ribs carried well back, correct topline and underline, wide quarters, with good fall away. Moved well covering ground with an affortless stride. 3 Gomms Ch Caneriki Cookie Crusher

Good Citizen Dog scheme B
1 Buckleys Pyefleet Spirit of Sarah. Tall slender 18month old hound having a feminine head with dark eye and nicely folded ears, set a tad low on the head. Long strong neck into good shoulder placement, outline good, needs to drop in brisket but has time for this to happen, good feet harsh coat of correct texture. 2 Lucas & Dargonns Glenmorlich none so lucky for Packway. 3 Adams  Hyfron for Zandahar SHCM

Gill Smith