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The Deerhound Standard




The Crufts catalogue used to feature a recent winning hound - the Description is Copyright, and reads as follows:
There is certainly no breed whose carriage asserts his noble descent as plainly as the Deerhound. Centuries ago he was so highly prized by the Highland Chieftains as to be jealously guarded, so much so, indeed, that a specimen was almost unknown even as far south as the Lowlands. The Deerhound today is valued for his picturesque appearance, fidelity and docility. His dignified bearing has earned for him the title of the "Aristocrat of the canine world". The gunsmith's art has practically robbed him of his natural calling in this country, but he gives a good account of himself in other lands to which he has been exported for work. A tall rough-looking dog, the Deerhound is the quintessence of grace with strength. Dogs average 30 - 32 inches, bitches 28 - 30 inches at shoulder. Colour wheaten, brindle, grey, the last being the most popular. White is a blemish save for a blaze on the chest or a tip to the tail, which should be carried low without curl. Shoulders well laid back, great depth of brisket and well-sprung ribs. A characteristic is width and strength across the loins, which should be well arched. Stifles well bent and hocks low to ground. The head carried high on a long, strong neck, with prominent nape. The clean-cut skull, flat with the ears set high, is coated with softer longer hair than the body, and plenty of shaggy eyebrow. The muzzle strong, teach and lips level. Eyes dark, deep set, full of expression. This wistful, faraway expression is the keynote of the character of the breed.

To summarise:


Typical - A Deerhound should resemble a rough coated greyhound of larger size and bone.


Movement - easy, active and true.


Height - As tall as possible consistent with quality.


Head - long, level, well balanced, carried high.


Body - long, very deep in brisket, well sprung ribs and great breadth across hips.


Forelegs - strong and quite straight, with elbows neither in nor out.


Thighs - long and muscular, second thighs well muscled, stifles nicely bent.


Loins - well arched, and belly well drawn up.


Coat - rough and hard, longer and softer beard and brows.


Feet - close and compact, with well knuckled toes.


Ears - small, with greyhound-like carriage.


Eyes - dark, moderately full.


Neck - long, well arched, and very strong with prominent nape.


Shoulders - clean, set sloping.


Chest - very deep, but not too narrow.


Tail - long and slightly curved, carried low.


Teeth - strong and level.


Nails - strong and curved.

The Deerhound, by A.N. Hartley (available from the Deerhound Club) goes on to say "One or two of these points might bear a little amplification. Movement is most difficult to describe - viewed from the side the hound should take a good free stride with both fore and hind legs, covering plenty of ground at each step. The feet should be lifted clear of the ground - 'daisy clipping' is not desirable but neither of course is anything resembling a hackney action.

The breed standard is here on the Kennel Club site.